Student Council
Beekman’s Student Council consists of interested students who work to enliven the community feeling of our school, addressing concerns of the student body, organizing student activities like Spirit Week, the Halloween Carnival, and Prom. Select members are chosen by the faculty to be Student Ambassadors. The Student Council also partners with other Beekman clubs to organize certain events.
Prom Committee
Based on interest, the Beekman Prom Committee organizes all aspects of Prom, from choosing the venue, decorations, and menu to organizing fundraisers and selling tickets. Students from all grades are invited to participate and to attend Prom.
Benevolent Blue Jays
This community service group meets each month to choose and then execute different volunteer projects. Past projects include volunteering for the Humane Society of New York, Full Circle Home, the Good+ Foundation, and Operation Santa.Make Your Own: The school supports student initiatives and will provide a club advisor for students who create a club or activity with sufficient student interest and involvement.

New York City Day Trips
The school’s Manhattan location offers the opportunity to use New York City and its immediate environs as an extension of the classroom. Students are invited to attend plays, films, operas and dance performances, and to visit the city’s various museums, special exhibitions, historical sites and other points of interest in and around Manhattan, such as the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens, Hunter Mountain Ski Resort, and Six Flags.
Peer Tutoring
For a student who is struggling in a particular class, it can often be the help of a fellow student that makes it all clear. Peer tutors, who are nominated by the faculty, are matched up with students during free periods throughout the school day. Peer tutors earn community service hours for their help.
Every year, the school produces a yearbook. Our talented group of student photographers and graphic design artists work with the Student Council to create a dynamic view of each school year.